Wednesday, August 18, 2010

sunny bridlington

I moved to Brid in 1976 with my mum an dar. My sister and both brothers had all left home so it was just me, my mum in the Guest house and me Dad going to sea for weeks on end.

the hours i spent on this harbour, hanging out by the speed boats, rides on the flamborian and yorkshire bell..... it was on this harbour that i remember seeing my fist mod lad and lass, in a love clinch, snogging the face off each other. she was wearing a little checkerboard dress, white tights and black pointy shoes, he had a maroon two tone suit on and a green long army parka, which had beer mats sewn down the back.... he had his coat totally wrapped around her, engulphing her as they made out against the wall by the crazy golf. I remember hoping that some one would do that to me one day.... i was 7.

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